Un poquito sobre mi...

Mi nombre es Maily. Me encanta leer, escuchar música y cantar. Me fastidian las personas creídas y falsas, y la gente que se burla de mis gustos y mi forma de ser. Mi banda favorita es Paramore, y cuando sea grande me gustaría ser cantante y tener mi propia banda. Soy una persona fiel y tenaz. Cuando quiero algo me aferro a ello hasta que lo consigo. No dejo que la gente me intimide. No soy materialista ni presumista. Odio a las personas que te juzgan sin saber realmente como sos.

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Whatsername ♥

Thought I ran into you down on the street,
Then it turned out to only be a dream,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatshername has been...

Seems that she disappeared without a trace,
Did she ever marry ole whatshisface,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatshername has been...

Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
I must confess!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
From so long ago!
(Go... go... go... go...)
(Go... go... go... go... go...)
And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time!
Forgetting you, but not the time!

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